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About Him

|||. Hafiez Bin Ismail (20)

Single | Currently serving NS | Muay thai | Gym-ing | Physical traning | Swimming | Loves to joke | Have many friends | Have few close friends

Friday, January 22, 2010

Seconds ticked by, hours streamed by and days flew by rapidly. In a blink of an eye, I have already served my nation 134 days exactly!

Apart - in between of the 134 days, I loss another elder cousin who was extremely close to me on whom was from my dad's side. Still remember the days when I was 15 when I was regularly sent out of my parents' house by my temperamental dad, he was the one who asked me to come over and stay at his house and bringing me up to be an independent, as well as teaching me to be a responsible young man for my wrongdoings. Ever since, he had been my brother, father and uncle.

His departure on 24th October 2009 (on my dad's Birthday) really sadden me, even up till now. Still clear in my mind the day before - on the 23rd, as I had just finished my training and was just about to book out, I happened to look at my mobile phone and saw many missed calls. Later was informed by my mum, my cousin had met with a minor accident the day before and he was in ICU at that point of time.

Hearing that, I straight away machiam like Commando, flew down the fleet of stairs and requested to the COS for early released. Luckily Sergeant Wen Fong was kind enough to make the effort to consult OC regarding my request and soon, I was off from Pulau Tekong and heading to NUH located in mainland.

Few hours after my arrival at NUH, I managed to catch a glimpse of my late cousin's look. He seemed to be sleeping. Later, I had a shocked of my life. I overheard the Doctor saying to my aunt (my cousin's wife) that my cousin's condition was critical. His life was at stake and there is high probability he won't be able to make it. Upon hearing that, my heart sunk and I said prayers till the wee hours of the morning - where my cousin passed away at about 4 in the morning.

Right after, I cried uncontrollably. Tears after tears rolled down my cheek like a natural made waterfall. The thought of him leaving behind his wife as well as his 3 young kids aging 11, 7 and 6 made me feel extremely sad. The words which he once said to me still lingers in my mind. Few weeks before his death he told me how he really wanted to see his children grow up and having succeed in their studies and life.

Thus, in order for his dreams and wishes to come true, I always try my best to make myself free to teach his kids (my nephew & nieces) in their curricular subjects whenever I book out from camp. Apart, I will consistently remind them to study hard for their late dad's dreams, as well as the fact that if they study well, they will not only have a good life ahead abut also they will be able to support their mum when they grow up. Other than these, I sometimes brought them to visit their dad's graves and also call them to ask on their well-beings whenever my training ends early.

May my cousin's - Allahyarham Mohd Rasid Bin Hj. Madsah soul be placed in heaven. Al Fateha.

Another Loss ............... Written By Hafiez Ismail

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Woahh! Just realized my Blog had not been updated for quite a while. All thanks to my busy nature.

Anyway, for the past few weeks - or should we just say the past month, I have been extremely busy meeting and going out with families and friends. Apart these, I have been making use of my time to help some of them too, as well as catching up time with them before going off to serve my National Service in TEKONG on September 11 2009!

Thus, to those of you who have been wondering what have I been up to recently, these are some of the things which I had done on the respective people during these long period of me being MIA..

01) Composing a new song of my own.. By the way, if you want to hear it, just click on the "PLAY" button at "My Music Composition" located at the right hand side of my Blog.. Warning! My voice doesn't sound nice.. Listen at YOUR OWN RISK!

02) Swimming, Gym-ing and Jogging with my good friend (Stanley) at Rafflesia.. I training for Army mah..

03) Doing minor recording with my cousin (Irfan)

04) Helping my cousin (Abg Ajiq) to reformat his desktop

05) Helping my cousin (Shierra) to repair her laptop's softwares

06) Learning how to shop in the market from my uncle (Papa).. LOL! I preparing to be a good husband in the future.. Haha!

07) Follow my uncle (Papa) and auntie (Mama) to the cemetery of my favourite cousin who passed away recently.. Very sad sia but at least feel happy that he is now somewhere near to god :)

08) Visiting my cousin (Abg Rasid) who was hospitalized, everyday for about 3 days.. Saw a quite a few number of good looking Doctors, Dietitians and Nurses! xP

09) Sending & fetching both of my nephew (Faiz) and niece (Hidayah) to and from their school for 14 days.. This one the hardest mission.. Need to take care of their safety, welfare and so on.. It's fun of course as I can experience how is it like to be a father - if I have any in the future..

10) Buying a new pair of spectacles which is to be used during Army.. Cheap cheap one lar.. $75 only.. Oh ya, I haven't taken a picture of me wearing it yet.. LoL!

11) Accompanying my grandma (Nenek) to buy some prayers things at the new launched shopping complex at Geylang Serai.. Wah seh.. A lot of people there sia.. By the way, PLEASE remember not to buy any food from #02-123 if any of you happen to go there.. The owner's customer service sucks and her food is just so NOT NICE!

As it could be seen, these are some of the reasons to why I have not been online for the past few weeks or so. Once again, I apologized to those who had asked me out during the period when I was busy with the things above. I do appreciate that all of you remember and make the least effort to ask me along for outings, gatherings and so on but I really could not attend any of them. My sincere apologies.

Lastly, I will try to make up for the time which I have missed during those planned activities - for each one of you soon, since I have not much things to be done at current except for my daily training and preparation for TEKONG! Thanks again for your understanding! Best regards and have a nice day ahead :)

Successful Missions ............... Written By Hafiez Ismail

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Since I was young, my parents especially - my dad had always reminded me to stay alert and to take good care of myself about a week before and after my Birthday. The reason being, he said that this is when the soul and life of someone who is having the Birthday on that particular moment, will most probably face death. Honestly, being a modern type of person, I never believe in such superstitious things until recently.

To think about it, there are few incidents which I had experienced before and after my 20th Birthday that was just over recently (on 30th June) on which could be regard as a form of life and death threatening situation or at least, something which had caused me some injury too. For the incidents which had happened before my 20th Birthday, please refer to the post written on Saturday, June 27, 2009 at paragraph 5 and paragraph 7 respectively.

In contrast, the incident which had happened after my 20th Birthday took place just now at about 2.40 in the afternoon. Before I tell you in details on what had happened, I would like to say some other things first.

Likewise some of you would have known - every Sunday is usually the time when me and one of my best friend, Nelson swim together. Normally we clocked a distance of at least 10 laps (500m). Sometimes when we are not rushing for time, we will clock 12 laps (600m), 14 laps (700m) and even 16 laps (800m). But for today, my intention of wanting to swim 16 laps could not be achieve as a result of a chain of events which I am going to share now.

To start with, Nelson and I went to the pool at about 2 in the afternoon just now. Upon reaching there, we were astonished to see the pool which was normally crowded with people in the past weeks seems like having no people at all. Not wanting to waste any time, I told him to warm up at the deep pool instead of the medium pool where we normally did for at least half an hour before our actual swimming missions - as mentioned above.

Right after, I went to the deep pool where we swam for short distance as a form of warm up. Soon, we did some threading to ensure that all of our leg muscles are fully warmed up. At that point of time, everything seems well. No problem at all and whatsoever. Then, that's when I tell Nelson that I want to start our swimming missions by swimming at middle lane of the deep pool since the side lane was filled with kids who was having swimming lessons.

As a result, we proceed to lane 4 and 5 which is located right in the middle of the 7 lanes pool, respectively. Anyway, I took lane 4 while Nelson took lane 5. Soon after, we are off to our 16 laps swimming routine. During the first lap, everything went well for me. I did not experience anything at such. Thus, I made a U-turn to proceed on to make my second lap so as to be able to complete our 16 laps which we have set for each one of us to achieve for today.

Suddenly, while I was on my 70m to 75m (1.5 laps) mark of swimming, and while I was in the very utmost middle of the pool, I felt a super sharp freaking pain on my heart. Few seconds after that, I remember myself not being able to remember clearly what happened. The possibility of me getting a black out is the most likely thing that had happened to me right after. This is because after feeling the sharp pain at my heart, I remember finding myself submerged in the pool already and having my mouth filled with water.

Trying to stay macho and calm, I tried to swim up to the surface immediately in order to get over control of this misfortune situation. I even tried threading to make myself stay afloat. I succeeded for a while but soon after, to my horror, I felt my leg was being paralyzed and numbed.

Feeling desperate for air, I use my hand only to pull myself up to the surface as my leg was no longer in function at that point of time. Damn! I felt so heavy even though I'm just 45kg! In addition, to be honest, the energy I used to pull myself up to the surface is much more tiring than that when I carry heavy weights during my weight training!

Anyway, seconds later, my hand felt damn weak and I have no more energy to complete the remaining 25m. I was totally drained as a result of the sudden heart attack, the sudden leg paralyze and the sudden energy used of my arm power in order to pull myself back up to the surface for air.

That was when I used my last might to push myself up in order to stay afloat. I also remembered summoning some strengths so to as to be able to shout for help. At that point of time, I know that I am doomed. I know I can't do anything as I am totally drained and I am sinking rapidly underneath the pool. During this period, I had a flashback. At last I know that this has been the horrific accident which I have always dream about since my secondary school years. So, this is the way on how I am fated to die.

To be honest, I even said my death prayers (in malay, we call it as mengucap dua kalimah syahadah) deep inside my heart since I know my time is up already. Suddenly, while still sinking, I heard a rapid flow of water movement. It seems that someone was swimming towards me in high speed. True enough! A swimming coach or also more prominent to be called as a lifeguard swam towards me. I felt like he lifted me up and heard he told me in fainted voice, "Don't panic. Don't panic. Put your hand behind me".

No joke people! I was too weak to even raise any of my head, hands or legs. But what I feel is this. As he brought me up to the surface of the pool, he pushed my neck backwards to his shoulder. That was when lots and lots of water gushed out from my mouth. It is like, I am vomiting plain water out continuously. Then, I was brought to side of the pool where I was told to rest.

There, I vomitted the water out even more and I was shaken for a good fiften minutes. After feeling much better, I thank that hero and my life saviour him for saving my life. Honestly, I know that thanking him is not good enough. Thus, I am planning to meet him next Saturday at the pool and I will give him something as a token of appreciation for saving my life.

As for my part, I will stay away from the pool at least from now on until I army. Apart from this, I will have my heart screened by this week. Hopefully, everything is well. Lastly, I learned that my parents advise had indeed be true especially the part when they told me to stay alert and to take good care of myself about a week before and after my Birthday!

Near death experience! ............... Written By Hafiez Ismail

Friday, July 3, 2009

After my 20th Birthday, I really have nothing much to do other than finalizing my customers' orders and answering their inquiries for my Business. Thus, as a result of this, I always spent my time training once again for my National Service.

Apart from this, I am also in the mist of making a composition of a new song which I have not yet decide on the title. Thus, feel free to come back soon to find out more on the lyrics which I had composed in order to interpret the meaning behind it.

New composition ............... Written By Hafiez Ismail

Would like to send my deepest appreciation to all of my families and friends who had taken some of your precious time to sent me Birthday wishes across all means of communication no matter by SMS, MSN or Facebook.

Apart from this, I would also like to thank all of whom had taken a step further by troubling yourself to give me Birthday presents and gifts for me. I do seriously appreciate it a lot.

Lastly, to all of my close friends who had spent your time with me on my 20th Birthday during the outing! I do really appreciate it super a lot! Trust me, without the outing with you all - since my army is just around the corner, my day won't be as fun as it is meant to be.

Thanks to all once again =)

Thanks! ............... Written By Hafiez Ismail

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Well, here I am typing this very post to declare that I had finally survived the dream which I have always been having for the past 6 hellish years! Anyway, to those who do not know what I am talking about, feel free to read the post which I had typed on Wednesday, 24 June 2009, with the title - WILL I EVER HIT 20? You will know what I mean. Don't forget that the post was kinda lengthy.

Last and not least, as for today, I shall enjoy my 20th Birthday with an ease of mind with my close friends! But for sure, I will not return home exceeding 2130 hours. This is because my dad had told me he will leave his office at 1930 hours and want me back by around that time if possible, so that we can celebrate my Birthday as a family, which we always did on each one of my siblings' Birthday.

And yea. This will be my last BOYISH Birthday celebration. Because starting from next year, I will be 21 and since I will be serving in Singapore Armed Forces, I will be MAN already too! HAHAHAA XD

I survived! ............... Written By Hafiez Ismail

Yesterday, on the 29th of June, I intended to go shopping for my army things since my enlistment date is just around the corner. Since my cousin Ray happened to do hiscouting on some things, we decided to go together! To be honest yea - at first, I thought of buying a few army shirts and singlets only but at the end of the 7 hours outing, I ended up shopping more than I should! HAHHAAHAA.

Anyway, the trip started at about 3 in the afternoon. I waited for Ray at Woodlands and upon his arrival, we proceed to our first stop - Beach Road Army Market. There I consulted Ray's opinions on what are the things which I need to buy for army and decided to purchase 2 pieces of army shirts and singlets each. These cost me about $23 in all after getting $2 off from the aunty! LOL!

Later, we proceed to our second stop - some kind of shopping center which I never went before. It was located near Bugis and about 15-20 mins walk from Beach Road. Our intention to go there is to visit a store which is believed to be selling cool army stuffs for Regulars. We wanted to check out their cool gadgets since we have nothing to do.

Eventually, we can't detect the exact location of the store on our radar and proceed to our third stop - a food place located behind Bugis Junction. There as usual, I ordered a 'Roasted Chicken Rice' and 'Coca-Cola'. Seriously, the food taste not bad le! While eating, me and Ray chatted about our lives, about his then army lives, about fashion related, about musics and about many more! Seriously, I learn lots of new knowledge from him! :D

Right after, Ray accompanied me to Bugis Junction - our fourth stop, where we tried on new clothes from Topman and had a look at shoes from Everlast and Converse shops. Seriously! The designs are nice and some even caught my attention. HAHAHAA!

As a result of this, I suddenly have the temptation to buy a new pair of shoes. Anyway, since I seldom came by Bugis Street and after hearing much positive feedbacks of that place quite often from friends, I decided to check it out. At such, it became our fifth stop! At first I wonder to myself - Who knows I can find the same shoes which I like from Bugis Junction at Bugis Street at a much cheaper price?

Trust me! My hopes didn't went far! As soon as I saw the shoes at Bugis Street, I was totally turned off! The shoes that was being sold there was NOT NICE lar! The threads on the shoes was unevenly sewn, the curves on them was not perfect and lastly, the brand name on it are totally GG! Not wanting to offend the store sellers, we made our way out of the store and of course out of Bugis Street! =x

Last and not least, before going back home, my temptation of buying a new pair of shoes is still there so I suggest Ray whether we should try visit Old Woodlands Central Rd area to check out the shoes shop there not, since there has always been having good deals! And thus, that became our last and sixth stop for the day!

Upon reaching, we visited a store which my best friend had intro-ed me a week before. Without hesitation, I grabbed a pair of jogging shoes as I really want to get back to my running starting 1st July 2009, while Ray purchased a jacket which looks gorgeous on him! Seriously, the uncle who served me was damn nice. He is helpful and patient. I am very satisfied with his customer service offered. One day, if I know his name, I will send him an appreciation letter for sure.

That's not all! HAHAHAAA. After that, I brought Ray to a shop where there is this Everlast pair of shoes which I like upon having looked at it for the first time while going out with my best friend last week. It looks quite similar to that we saw from the Bugis Junction. So, I wanted Ray's opinion on what he thinks of it. After hearing a couple of good comments from him, I purchased the shoe as well. I feel that the purchase is a good buy, especially by a fact that I was served by a chiobu (At least I pay GST worth it lor xP) HAHAHAHHAA!

Lastly - to summarize this post, I feel that shopping with Ray is a wonderful thing since we cousins are close to one another and we always have a common topics that we we can chat, laugh and joked around without offending one another. Apart, I learn lots of knowledges from him too! Thanks Ray for following me shopping! Also, if we free again, we shall go shopping again man :)

Thanks Ray for shopping with me! ............... Written By Hafiez Ismail

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  • .. June 2009
  • .. July 2009
  • .. August 2009
  • .. January 2010